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Verbs used in connection with religion in general 14.15

adji' To study, to acquire knowledge (using the Arabic language as the medium); to learn to read the Qur’an; to read aloud from the Qur’an or the book of Mawulud.
ammal To be very devout; be fervent in religion.
ammal To endure or to be patient (when asking for special powers).
ampun 2 To pray.
bagala To appear (of items normally invisible).
buka' To break the fast (with the evening meal); eating first meal (after fasting).
kahagad To believe; obey.
kisas1 To despise s.t., belittle s.t., scoff at s.t, to treat with contempt.
kiyam To place the hands on top of each other on the chest.
duwa'a 1 To have or perform a prayer ceremony.
guwa' To get or bring s.t. out.
halli' 1 To abstain from s.t.; to avoid s.t. or s.o.; to protect s.o. from a situation that is (dangerous or unpleasant).
halu To go somewhere (of spirits of sleeping people).
hantal Proper or prescribed direction (for houses or corpses).
hariya To acquire a holy book by making a monetary contribution.
heriya To acquire a holy book (by making a monetary contribution).
hidja' To spell out words (in Arabic script).
hukum 1 To judge, try or decide a case (in a court).
ihlas 2 To give s.t. wholeheartedly, cheerfully, willingly.
isbat To call on or address God (either asking a favor or just saying the name); to say (utter) God’s name or that of a deceased person.
jari2 To create s.t.
jawab To argue; to answer back; contradict.
jiyara To welcome, greet a person (with a handshake).
juri To argue; agitate, upset, interrogate, badger, harass, annoy.
lahil To be born, come out (into the world).
lanyap For s.t. to disappear.
langgal3 1 To do s.t. that is prohibited; to break (laws, rules, regulations).
langpas 2 To disobey, disregard (instructions).
li'i To refrain from s.t.
lilla' 1 To surrender, submit oneself, to yield to s.o.
lilla' 2 To forgive s.o.
limāya To have freedom to do as one wishes or pleases.
ma'ap To ask forgiveness (for having quarreled).
mahalayak To announce, proclaim s.t., make s.t. known.
nasihat To preach (a sermon).
pa'al To foretell, predict s.t.
pāku To pray to, ask from (God).
panjari To bring to completion; to become s.t.
paratsaya To believe s.t.
pasalingu To change (the physical appearance by magical means).
pasalupa To change (the appearance, magically).
pituwa To teach (moral or religious values, good customs); advise.
sabbut2 2 To say or recite the pātiha' (first sura in the Qur’an).
sābu2 3 To take care of (the necessary ceremonies after a death).
sāk To be complaining against God.
saksi' To bear witness, testify.
salam To salute s.o.; give hand and touch forehead and breast.
salamat To thank s.o.
salsila To relate the history of things; relate or tell stories from sacred scriptures.
sāmat To give thanks.
sampil1 To eat before fasting (early in the morning).
sandel To trust in God (not used for trust in people).
sapa To swear (on the Qur’an).
sarang sukul 2 To be thankful.
sassat To tempt (to do wrong); to pester, annoy, harass.
sayed To enter (of a spirit (demon) into a person).
sēd To be possessed; to enter a person, of spirit.
sellet 4 To mediate, act as mediator.
su'al To engage s.o. in a verbal contest or argument (usually of religious matters in order to find out how much he knows).
sukna' To curse s.o.; to wish s.t. bad to happen to a person.
sukul To accept circumstances as they are.
tamam Knowledgeable (of things concerning worship and the hereafter).
tampat To bury s.o. (euph.)
tanya To question (done by the angel of death).
tanggung 2 To bear sin or guilt, be responsible for sins.
tō'1 To teach, instruct, advise s.o.
tolo' To teach, instruct, advise s.o. (on matters of knowledge or moral).
tuksu' To get, acquire s.t. (often by choosing it and probably being fated to get it).
tugtug To burn incense.
tullus To discern, predict s.t
tulun For s.t. to appear mysteriously, turn up, suddenly be there (apparently from nowhere).
tuntut3 To observe, attend to, provide for (matters concerning the afterlife).
tungga' 1 To pledge, vow, or promise s.t. (on the condition that some stipulation has been fulfilled).
tutul To remind s.o. (of benefits received i.e. help and/or gifts that one has given).
usihat To teach (on religious matters); preach.1
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