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Endurance, patience in observing religious duties and/or doing good; practice (esp. of religious duties).
Tege ammal a'a iyan.
That person has endurance.
Ga'i ku tantu nambahayang duk ga'i ku tantu ngurung duk ga'i du tantu hāp addatkun si me' a'a, hangkan kulang ammalku.
I don’t worship a lot and I don’t give a lot and my customs toward people are not very good, therefore my endurance in religious duties is little.
Ammalnun hāp-la'at mole' si ka'u du.
Your practices good and bad will come back to you.
To be very devout; be fervent in religion.
A'a miya'an magammal te'ed, luwal iye nambahayang.
That person is very devout, he always worships.
To endure or to be patient (when asking for special powers).
The asking for knowledge or protection is usually done at a gravesite or at a tree believed to be inhabited by spirits. At a grave the person sits close to and facing the headstone sunduk. The person is not allowed to move or even scratch himself whatever happens.
A'a miya'an bakas ngammal diyata' kubul.
That person has endured on the grave.
To endure s.t.
Pa'in me' a'a bahi', “Ammalanun, da'a kew maghinang la'atan.”
The old people say, “Endure (anything), don’t do bad.”
Ammalanne nginum tambal iyan kahaba' ellew.
He endures taking that medicine every day.
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