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Yield (of crop).
Ekka jari tana'nen.
His field had much yield.
Piye karut jarihan paleybin?
How many sacks was the yield of your rice?
To come into being; to produce s.t., yield, bear (such as crops and fruit).
Manjari manamal paleynen.
His rice yielded a lot.
Manjari buwa' kayuhin kuwe'itu.
The trees bear (much) fruit now.
Ga' manjari uttala'in.
The dry season did not come into being. (There was no dry season.)
To have a good crop or yield.
Kamanjarihan paley siye tahun miya'an.
They had a good rice crop last year.
For s.t. to become s.t.
This caterpillar becomes a butterfly.
Tiya' panyāmkun manjari apam.
My rice cake has become a pancake.
Nakanak iyan manjari mastal ne kuwe'itu.
That child has become a teacher now.
To complete s.t., bring s.t. to completion.
Panjarine du tana'nen.
He completed his (upland) field.
Ga'i panjarine luma'nen.
He did not complete his house.
To create s.t.
Only used of God.
Tuhan magpapanjari dem dunya inin kēmon.
God has created everything in this world.
Papanjarine batuhin pan.
He created bread from stones.
Hāp kēmon pinapanjari Tuhanin.
All that God created is good.
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