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A prayer ceremony for special occasions.
A duwa'a ceremony is performed in the months of Hadji', Mawulud, Puwase, and Sappal. Also at the mabatsa, maggunting, magkawin, magtammat, salayan tahun. These ceremonies are all similar except for certain words or statements that are specific for each one. At the magtapus and the other days of remembering after 7,10, etc. days it is a different duwa'a. It is shorter and includes maglawatib. At other occasions, such as for a special thanksgiving or request a ceremony may also be requested. Special people know how to do these ceremonies, but they can be initiated by anyone. There always has to be a rice mound dulang for such a duwa'a ceremony.
Taha' duwa'a imam iyan.
The ceremony of that imam is long.
N- [perform], mag- [participate]
To have or perform a prayer ceremony.
It can consist of offering up a petition, giving thanks, asking for blessing, long life, protection from misfortune, etc. It is directed towards God or ancestors.
Eddo'anun kite imam magduwa'a kite gana-gana si luma'.
Fetch the imam; we will have a prayer ceremony later at the house.
Bang duma'in imam ga'i ta'u nganduwa'a.
If one is not an imam one doesn’t know how to perform the prayer ceremony.

magbangun patey during the month of Sa'ban
pabatsa at the end of Sa'ban
sāwat offering, Puwase and Hadji'
salayan tahun for good harvest, Muharram
Formula or incantation (for a certain occasion).
Niya' duwa'aku bang ku mangan bulan Puwase.
I have a formula for when I eat during the month of fasting.
A'a miya'an niya' kata'uhanne duwa'a ase'-ase'.
That person knows a formula for (causing) pity.
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