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To refrain from s.t. (usually heavy work or certain food items).
Ga' kami magli'i, bisan niya' matey masi kami maghinang.
We don’t refrain (from work); even if someone has died we still work.
Ga' niya' li'ihanku kinakan, hātinen kēmon kakanku.
I don’t refrain from any food; it means I eat anything.
ellew li'i
A day when one refrains from heavy work.
At sambahayang Hadji' (on the 12th day of the month) and sambahayang Puwase (the last day of the month) one should refrain from heavy work for one week (three days ahead of the occasion and three days following it) or at least for three days. Also on Fridays one ought to refrain from doing heavy work. If a death has occurred until after the burial one should not plow, weed the fields, or sew. (Sewing would be like sewing one’s own grave clothes, reportedly.) If one should look in a mirror it will cause blotches on the face, reportedly. One should be generally careful because whatever bad happens on such a day, even if it is not normally serious it may cause grave damage. E.g. if one falls even from a low place, bones may be broken.
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