Sense 1
English. Falls, topples off s.t.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Lingay mu ig pimetang mu sa' nda' melabu'.
English. Look back for your thing, to see if you dropped s.t.
Sense 2
English. Experiences s.t.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Kali'u igupay su sabaw gigbug, dekag pa miawa'i kelaat ginaau, kali' melebu'ay mainiti tian ku.
English. It wasn't until I sipped the broth of rice gruel that I felt better, when the warmth reached my stomach (lit., my stomach
experienced warmth.).
Synonym. labet
In group with: eklus; geba'; lesut; lupu'; pakis; sabul; sampak; sekat; tagak 1; tikmad; tulakit; tunga'
English. Of words, events, portents, having a meaning, a rationale, a use, not merely a game, diversion.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Ta' dun ki kebetang ta kini, sa' ta'i kelebu'anen tug binaya' gebii bu gendaw.
English. I do not know what our current circumstances mean for the future.
English. Experiences a plague, esp. of rats, locusts or other natural calamity, and which is believed to have a supernatural cause.
English. A plague, calamity; disaster.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Sa' mayani pelabu', gutemen gupiai getaw, pu' megela' tubungi pimula. Ginis pelabu', tubung, gapan, miangan, pemedes, muka' melaun pai gininisan metetubu' maan di pimula.
English. When a plague passes through, people are very hungry, for the crops are consumed by rats. Kinds of plagues are rats, locusts,
wild boars, drought, and many other kinds of animals eating crops.
In group with: buag; lengkeb 1
Idiom: labu' daun
English. Arrives too late for an event when the important activity is finished.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Si nga Sibu, milabu' daun ilan tug beklug ni Lubing.
English. When Cebu and his party got to Lubing's beklug ceremony, it was over.
Idiom: labu' talu'
English. Offends s.o. deliberately with what one says behind his back or allegorically.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Si Uan kiin, iini melaat dun duni ginaanen, pu' milebu'an ma talu'.
English. The reason What's-His-Name felt so bad was because someone insulted him in what he said.
Generic. libak
Idiom: lebu'an leti'
English. Is struck by lightning, of anything.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Misepikan su nunuk, pu' liibu'an leti'.
English. The strangler fig was shattered, because it was hit by lightning.
c.f. leti'; ilat
Idiom: lebu'an liig
English. Burn one's throat with hot food or drink.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Kali' ami aan, milebu'anu tanan, saba' kegutemu, mainit gupia.
English. When we ate, I burned my throat, all of it, because I was so hungry. It was really hot.