English. Of a living creature, eats s.t..
Example sentence:
Subanen. Guna na amu aan, pu' duun pai kelangan ku.
English. You (pl.) eat first, because I have something to do yet.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Su gutung kamun, inadangen laak penengikay su ma'is, nda'en dadema gupia aanay.
English. The monkey earlier, he only picked the ears of corn [that he was going to pick], he didn't also go on to eat them.
English. Food, esp. staple.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Danaan, ki gaan, sa' madas ndi'u baya', pu' melaati nanam ku dun.
English. As far as I'm concerned if food has an itchy flavor, I don't feel like eating it, because it tastes bad to me.
In group with: dila'; eksab; lunang; mengit; sabud; sensem; uksad; uksi'; uuk
English. Bait used for trapping fish or wildlife.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Melengas paan dig telimbaug, metabug gupia seda', kig lelanug, muka' lelupa'.
English. What are good bait for angling, what the fish really love, are lelanug insects and earthworms.
Idiom: aan gukiten
English. Readily believes what is untrue or what is true and perceived as negative in nature, gullible.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Si Omir dema kini, mengaan gukiten gupia.
English. As for this guy Omir, he really is gullible.