Sense 1
English. Is consumed completely, of a crop by a pest, such as rats, rice birds.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Sug binaal nami, milengkeb tubung.
English. The rice in our field was entirely eaten up by rats.
Generic. labu'
Sense 2
English. Turns upside down, of a vessel.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Milengkebi gait nilan, ditu tanda' Sulu'.
English. Their raft turned over there where Sulu Island is.
c.f. belikwat
Idiom: lengkebig benwa
English. The supposed end of the world.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Sa' sungu melengkeb ig benwa, duuni tu'usan dun.
English. When the world is about to end, there will be signs of it.
Cultural Note. It is believed that the world rests on top of a post in the ocean; when the world overturns and falls off the post, it is
the end.