English. Comes upon s.o./s.t., encounters, experiences sees s.t..
Example sentence:
Subanen. Sembag si Manumpit, “Baa, dia da lusadan ta milabetu.”
English. Manumpit answered, “Intj., I found her there at the river"s edge.”
Synonym. bayan; ulaula
Idiom: labet getaw telunan
English. A particular sacrifice and ceremony for s.o. ill to appease forest spirits alleged to have caused the illness.
Generic. kanu
Variant. selabet
English. Catches s.o. or s.t.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Miselabet dayun nu gutung su pusu' nug bulatuk dayun beli'ay, mitat su geksud nug bulatuk.
English. Then the monkey grabbed hold of the calf of the woodpecker's leg and broke it, so that the woodpecker's leg stretched out
Idiom: nda'ig labet
English. Is irrelevant.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Ndi'a mektalu'talu' diin nda' ig labet mu dun. Mengaan labeten pa dema, nda' pedumaay dun.
English. Don't talk about what is not your business. For you will eat your way into the problem you weren't involved in (and make one
of the parties angry at you).
Variant. labetlabet
English. Part of the bride wealth exchanged at the wedding ceremony.
Generic. luat