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Offerings, gifts, tithes 14.9

bakti' A gift (to a person with supernatural knowledge).
bēbbed Green rice roasted.
kuluba' A sacrifice (of a chicken at the time of death in lieu of a goat).
kuluban An offering, a sacrifice.
dulang A molded mound of rice on a platter.
hekika A sacrifice.
lamas Offering to the spirits, usually rice and eggs.
pediya A gift (to ensure an answer to a request).
pitla' Yearly contribution to the imam, (one’s parents-in-law or to one’s midwife).
salawat An offering (at the end of the month of fasting).
sarakka Alms, alms gift; possessions of a deceased person given to s.o.
sāwat An offering (at the end of the month of Ramadan, and on the 10th or 12th day of the month of Julhadji').
tukud Payment (monetary or in kind for performing an incantation nawal, teaching s.o. to use an incantation, or giving herbal medicine); payment of a brideprice.
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