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An offering, a sacrifice.
It should be done every year on the 10th day of the month of Hadji'. The sacrifice is in memory of Abraham’s sacrifice. (It is also said to help the person offering the sacrifice to get across the bridge to the hereafter so he won’t fall into the fire. The name of the bridge is teyteyan siratal mustakim.) After the early morning worship the animals are butchered by the imam or someone else (often a relative of the family). The animal has a white cloth around its head. Those sacrificing it place their hand on the animal or another person who is touching the animal and make a wish for the afterworld. Each of the persons then has a bit of the blood applied to his forehead. This blood will be recognized by the sacrificed animal in the hereafter. Parts of each animal are sent raw to every household in the congregation as a share.
If a person has never participated in the kuluban at any time it should be done at the time death occurs (either just before or shortly after). Many people provide a kuluban on the day of death or on the seventh day as an additional sacrifice.
Kahaba' bulan Hadji' magsōng kuluban a'a maniya' kambingnen.
Every month of Hadji' the people who have a goat give it as a sacrifice.
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