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Offering to the spirits, usually rice and eggs.
A lamas can consist of either a chicken, or uncooked rice in a little container made of coconut leaves, an egg (boiled or not), betel chew, or cooked rice. It can also be any combination of these. It can be placed at any large tree of interesting shape - especially a balete tree - that looks as if it might have unseen people living there, or at big rocks or a large body of water. The offering is placed on a little rack made of sticks and has to be suspended. If there is no branch to hang it from like at the rock, a stick is put in the ground near the rock to hang the rack from. One states for what reason one has brought the offering.
Ubus ne bettadku lamasin.
I already placed the offering.
N-, mag-
To make an offering to spirits.
We'ey si Toto' iyan ga'i kewuli'an bu bakas maglamas ne.
Why is Toto' not well and what’s more offerings have been made already.
Ngalamas iye si po'on mangga.
He makes an offering there at the mango tree.
Tiya' ne buwasin duk pugadin lamasanun ne.
Here is rice and egg, offer it now.
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