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An offering (at the celebration at the end of the month of Ramadan, and on the 10th or 12th day of the month of Julhadji').
The offering is in connection with a prayer ceremony. The one in the month of Julhadji' is meant to coincide with the offering done by people while on the pilgrimage in Mecca. This offering is not mentioned in the Qur’an; it seems to be pre-Islamic. It consists of 1 handful akup of rice, 7 sections ipa of betel nut, 7 pepper leaves and 7 small piles of lime. The offering is placed in a small brass container sāppa' or any other container in the prayer house langgal, left there overnight and the following morning and after a prayer ceremony duwa'a in the afternoon is then taken home.
Bo'oku sāwat inin hap langgal gana-gana.
I will take this offering to the mosque later.
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