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Payment (monetary or in kind for performing an incantation nawal, teaching s.o. to use an incantation, or giving herbal medicine); payment of a brideprice.
It is prearranged.
Bang iye eddo'anku tambal, iye tukudnen subey niya' da gantang buwas, dembuwa' manuk pote' duk dem pīsan kakana'.
If I get medicine for her, the payment has to be one ganta of rice, one white chicken and one length of white cloth.
Bang ku nawal ga' niya' tukudne, piye-piye ne hadja pangurung aku.
When I treat with incantation there is no pay, however much is given to me (that is alright).
Piye tukud dende miya'an?
How much is the (bride)price for that girl?
urung 1
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