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Charms 14.10

andarun A charm to ward off evil spirits.
anting-anting A charm against being wounded, and against sickness caused by spirits; invulnerability charm.
buliga' A charm (consisting of stones of beautiful colors or petrified items).
habay A charm or amulet (that reportedly makes one invulnerable).
hapin-hapin A charm (to ward off spirits, esp. for small children).
hilas (panghilas) A charm to cause aversion.
pūn1 A charm to make camote and corn grow well.
salat A cure for s.t.; a preventive measure; a charm.
sāt A charm, preventive measure.
tawal A charm, magic formula, or incantation; white magic.
timbalun To treat s.o. with the charm timbalun.
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