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A charm, magic formula, or incantation; white magic.
Words are murmured, certain formulas known only to initiated people are recited to bring about a desired change. It may be a change in a physical condition, as to heal sicknesses or to change behavior.
Niya' tawalne bang kite ilemmun kewuli'an kite.
He has an incantation that makes us well when we have a fever.
(sāg-)sāg langgit duwa'a 2
N-, mag-
To treat s.o. by reciting a charm (magic formula) or incantation; to do white magic.
Ta'u iye nawal.
He knows how to treat by reciting charms.
Sasang magtawal pe siye.
They are still treating someone with magical formulas.
Ubus ne tinawalan nakanakin.
The child has already been treated by reciting a charm.
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