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N-, mag- (recip.)
To stop (doing s.t.), break off (a relationship).
Bang kite megtegunggu' bute ne pahali ngelebba ne.
When we play the gong-band and we are going to rest we stop.
Maglebba ne kite da'a ne kite magsuki'.
Let us stop; let us no longer have a special relationship.
They are no longer courting; they have broken off (their relationship).
(pa)deheng (pa)hali
N- -an, mag-
To leave s.t. behind; to give up (of custom or action); to let go of s.t.
Lebbahanne bagnen la'i si lān.
He left his bag there on the road.
Lebbahanne ne paginumannen, gey ne iye maginum.
He gave up his drinking; he no longer drinks.
Ga' niya' ngelebbahan anakne si mata lān.
Nobody leaves her child in the middle of the road.
Ga'i ku maglebba bang niya' bino'oku pegge' ga'i ta'essebku muwa' balik.
I do not leave it behind if I carry something because I will not remember to fetch it.
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