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Hawa lasane si akuhin bisan ga' niya' sīnne urunganne pe ku.
Because of his love for me even though he has no money he still gives me some.
ka- -an
To love s.o.
Malasa ku si metetto'aku.
I love my parents.
Kinalasahan kite we' de.
We are loved by them / they love us.
magkalasa, maglasa-ilasa (recip.)
To love each other (of a man and a woman or siblings).
Magkalasa siye magpungtina'ihin.
The siblings love each other.
Me' a'a maglewlekebini miya'an magkalasa manamal.
That married couple love each other very much.
Magbagay hadja siye subey magkalasa siye.
They are just friends (not siblings) but they love each other.
Subey ka'am maglasa-ilasa.
You should love each other.
ngalasa, ngāsa
To woo, court (a woman).
Lella iyan pegge' niya' kitene dende, sōng hap iye ngāsa.
Because he saw a girl that boy will soon go and court her.
Ngāsa lella miya'an si anak mayolin.
That boy courts the daughter of the mayor.
Gift, token of love.
Sinsimku inin lasa-lasahan sa'i-samakun.
This ring is a love-gift from my mother and father.
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