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pa-, mag- (recip.), mag- -an (repet.)
To pass or go by (some place or person).
Maglabey kite si lān.
We passed each other on the trail.
Palabey ku luma' si Dende ensini'.
I went by Dende’s house earlier.
Bang iye nabu' maglabeyan iye luma' si Dende.
When she goes shopping she passes by the house of Dende.
Maglabey ne kite.
Greeting to one going in the opposite direction (lit. we (dual) are passing each other).
Palabey kami.
Greeting to people in a house as one passes (lit. we (ex) pass by).
Gey kew (ka'am) palabey?
Greeting to friend(s) passing by (lit. won’t you stop for a while?).
pa-, mag- -an (repet.)
To stop in passing; to go by way of some other place.
Bang ku hap Lamitan, palabey ku amban Ba'as.
When I go to Lamitan I go by way of Ba'as.
Da'a ne kew maglabeyan amban luma'de.
Don’t keep stopping at their house.
To pass by a place or a house and stop in order to get s.t.
Ngalabey ku sigupan pu si Nene'.
I’ll stop to get cigarettes at Nene’s.
Amban Lamitan ku inin ngalabey kenna.
I will pass by Lamitan to get fish.
Niya' ambananku ley si langgal; labeyte dahu'.
I left something at the mosque. I’ll just stop and get it.
Bang ku hap Lamitan lān amban Badja' ku ngalabey si Dende.
When I go to Lamitan I take the road via Badja' to get Dende.
N- -an
To pass a house or place in order to deliver s.t.; to take s.t. somewhere.
Hangkan ku tiggel pegge' billa'i ku ngalabeyan badju' bagaykun amban luma'ne.
I took a long time because I went and delivered my friend’s blouse at her house.
Labeyanku dahu' dulang inin si luma' dembuwa' miya'an.
I’ll take this rice mound across to the other house first.
To experience s.t., to come across s.t.
Used usually of difficult or neutral experiences only.
Ga' ku bakas makalabey kuwe' kawul a'a iyan.
I have never come across behavior like that person’s (behavior).
Daran ne ku makalabey bahaya.
I have often experienced misfortune.
Ekka ne talabeyku bayu'-bayu'an kasigpitan.
I have already experienced many kinds of difficulties.
Ekka ne talabeyku bayu'-bayu'an pagusaha bu ga'i du ku ngatu dayahan.
I have experienced many ways (lit. kinds) of earning a living but I have not managed to become rich.
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