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pa-, mag- -an (repet.)
To pass by, go by way of.
Tiya' ku pasagid amban tiyanggi.
I am passing by the market.
Bang kami nabu' luwal iye magsagidan amban luma' me' a'a.
When we go shopping she always passes by other people’s houses.
(pa)sagnat 2
To pass by and fetch, pick up s.t.
kew sagidun badju'kun amban luma'de.
Go and pick up my blouse at their house.
Da'akku iye nagid badju'ku.
I told her to go and fetch my blouse.
N- -an
To pass by and deliver s.t.
kew sagidanun siye kenna.
Go and take fish to them.
Da'akku iye nagidan libruku amban luma'.
I told her to go and deliver my book at my house.
labey (pa)langgal2 2
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