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All over (a place, to do s.t.).
Tā' dem lahinganin paglupugande.
They chased each other all over the coconut grove.
Tā'-tā' we' ku lahinganin pagpihahan.
I searched all over the coconut grove.
pa-, mag-
To walk over or through s.t. (where there is no trail, as through a garden or field).
Da'a kew patā' amban dem paley.
Don’t pass through the rice (field or rice spread out for drying).
Magtā'-tā' kami, ga'i kata'uhan kami lānin.
We walked all over; we did not know the way.
N-, mag-
To walk or pass through or over s.t.
Da'a tā'un paley iyan duk ga'i tada'iknu.
Don’t walk over that rice so that you won’t step on it.
We walked through the rice because there was no path.
Niya' nā' paleykun, ī' ne polong-polong.
Someone walked through my rice; some of it is broken.
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