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An excess, extra.
Teppet sīnkun sempū' pilak, ga' niya' labine.
I have exactly ten pesos, there is no extra.
Niya' labine amban de kilu buwas inin.
This rice is more than one kilo (lit. there is excess...).
More than, exceeding s.t., past (a certain time).
Labi ne lisag sempū' behuku tuli.
It was past ten o’clock when I fell asleep.
Labi pe pangurungnen amban pinākukun.
He gave more than what I asked for.
pa-, mag-
For s.t. to extend beyond or exceed (what is expected).
Maglabi sinsilyu pangurungne akuhin.
The change she gave me exceeded (what I should have got).
Palabi kamisunnen amban badju'ne.
Her slip extends beyond her dress.
Palabi kāpan luma'nen amban dinding.
The floor of his house extends beyond the wall.
To extend s.t., make s.t. more.
Bang iye magbayed palabine amban bakas sinambi'nen.
When she repays she makes it more than what she borrowed.
To add to s.t.; to exaggerate s.t. (esp. of speech).
A'a iyan ngalabi bang patekka bang iye magaka-aka.
That person sometimes exaggerates when she tells something.
Labihanne bang niya' aka-akane.
She adds (to it) when she tells something.
If I buy mangoes for twenty pesos she adds to (them).
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