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Verbs used in connection w/ agriculture 08.4

badja' To plow; plow up ground.
bubud To broadcast (seed); to sow (by scattering seed).
kellu To weed, take out weeds with a hoe.
kukew To spread out seeds (with hand or rake in order to completely dry).
diskuhi To collect rubber sap.
eddek To plant (a large field by placing seeds in holes or sowing in rows).
gawas To clear (land); to remove (weeds).
gibu To rake (a field with branches).
labas To cut grass, to mow.
lapa2 To clear land (of tall weeds and underbrush).
lilik To clear (a piece of land).
lose' To harvest maize, pick ears of maize (off the stalk).
pagani To reap or harvest (rice).
pagti' To break or snip off s.t. (with hand).
palagsik To dry a second time (of rice before pounding).
panān To help plant (rice or peanuts).
pegges To press (sugarcane).
puhi' To dry (seeds in the sun, as coffee, rice, etc.).
puli' To replant (what did not grow).
pungla' To sow (seeds) for getting seedlings.
sabud To scatter s.t., broadcast s.t.; esp. sow by broadcasting.
sabulak To throw s.t. by the handful; to broadcast seed.
sangban 2 To plow a second time (usually done across or diagonally).
sebbang The first weeding (of a field).
sekkud To weed, uproot (plants); loosen (dirt), cultivate (ground).
segewuli' To do the second weeding (of a field).
subli To alternate, or rotate s.t. (as crops).
subung To pile earth around a plant; to make a mound around a plant.
suring To harvest (the rice that was left standing during the initial harvest).
tana' To plant a dry rice field.
tanem To plant s.t.
tebbek To plant s.t., stick s.t. in the ground.
tellang To clear an area (of weeds, fallen leaves, underbrush, things lying about).
toto'1 To prune (trees).
tunas To cut off new shoots.
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