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pa-, mag- + redup. (pl.)
To come and go (of people and vehicles, some leaving others arriving); to alternate, to take turns.
Magsubli-subli ne hadja a'aden.
Their visitors just come and go.
Magsubli-subli kite bang kite hap Sembuwangan.
We take turns when we go to Zamboanga.
Bang kew hap luma' maki ku pasubli.
When you go home, then I will take my turn.
To alternate or rotate s.t. (as crops).
Pagsubli-subline tinanemnen.
He rotates (alternates) his crops.
Bang iye lumengngan pinagsubli-subli we' ne me' anaknen bino'o.
When she goes out she alternates the children she takes along.
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