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N-, mag-
To cut (some tall weeds and underbrush).
Underbrush and tall weeds are cut and placed on the shorter weeds to smother their growth. It is done in coconut groves, coffee groves, rubber plantations, etc.
Tiya' ku dahu' ngalapa si bulakku miya'an.
I will go first to cut some (of the underbrush) on my land.
Kahaba' ellew iye maglapa si bulakne.
Every day he goes to cut some (weeds) on his land.
N- -an
To clear land (of tall weeds and underbrush).
Ī' ne iye ngalapahan bulakne.
He is there clearing his land (of weeds).
Lapahanne bulaknen duk tellang lahingnen.
He clears his land (of underbrush) so that his coconut grove is clear.
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