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Cleared (of an area as field, yard, house).
It is most often used of clearing land of weeds, esp. tall weeds. But it can also be used of clearing a yard of rubbish, a house of things lying about, a desk of papers, etc.
Tiya' ku ngellu duk tellang me' tinanemkun.
I am going to weed so that what I planted will be cleared (of weeds).
Tellang ne lameten pegge' bakas pinahidan ne seggitnen.
Our yard is cleared because the rubbish has been swept up.
Bang ku ga'i la'i si luma' ga'i tellang dem luma'kun.
If I am not at my house, (things are) not cleared in my house.
N- -an, mag-
To clear an area (of weeds, fallen leaves, underbrush, things lying about).
Patellanganun bulaknun.
Clear your land.
Ekka sabet bulakkun pegge' ga'i ku kasandal magpatellang.
There are many weeds on my land because I can’t stand clearing it.
Tabanganku iye matellangan me' tinanemnen.
I helped her to clear her plants (of weeds).
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