English. Perceived to be extended in length, height, or social status: great; high, long, tall.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Sa' lumayug su gediplanu, meksitaas.
English. When an airplane flies, it goes up high.
English. Greatness, height, length, status.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Alapa bata'ayu, mga sebadai taasen, ma'nia kelubalu kig bagelen.
English. Get a little (piece of) wood, about one yard its length, like a thumb its size.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Su talimpuk nilan, se depa ig beklanganen bu dibaluy siu, patal dimpulu nai taasen, nda' pa ilan gusay metebas.
English. The pile of their sheaves is as wide as a fathom plus the span from a man's elbow to his opposite fingertips (with arm outstretched),
and they haven't even finished harvesting yet.
Antonym. baba' 2; pelek 1
Synonym. lawa; yaba'
English. Land above a body of water and not its shore; land in the interior.
Synonym. lupa'
English. Twelve o'clock noon, midday.
Synonym. ektu
Generic. endaw 1