English. Blunt end of s.t., extremity of a post, finger, piece of paper.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Kig dulugan kini, gayu, likes telu dangaw. Luakan di mekimpang patalen, adun metenug da sa' mesugat nu peglau mektabu'.
English. This dulugan is a log three handspans in diameter. It is hollowed out at both ends so that it makes a resonant sound when struck by the
peglau beam above it.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Kali' penaik su gutung tu tengul lenggung, bena' tu na mesempel patalen, kigyugen.
English. When the monkey climbed the dead lenggung tree, when he got near the top, he shook it.
English. Cuts off s.t. perceived as long, i.e. creates a blunt end to s.t..
Antonym. talem