English. Of orientation, one side as distinguished from the other, other side, the far side, counterpart.
English. Cuts s.t. into halves.
Synonym. tenga'
Idiom: dibaluy bu dibaluy
English. On both sides, each side of s.t.
Synonym. lintawi'
Idiom: dibaluy siu
English. A measurement, from the tip of one's outstretched arm to his opposite elbow: ca 4 ft or 1.2 m.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Suminaluyu tali, telu depa bu dibaluy siu baalen ku kasya nug daduu.
English. I bought some rope to attach the harness to my plow, three fathoms and the other elbow (ca. 6 mtr).
Generic. tepeng