Sense 1
English. Particularly, small, red biting ants.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Su sigwagu, migela' legautay pila', subay pemuna'an pa puli', pu' ndi' tanan mekapeti tubu' palay dun.
English. The rice I broadcast planted was all carried away by red ants; the spaces must be replanted, or the rice won't cover the ground.
Sense 2
English. Generally, any of various ants.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Naa iin pelumi masin nilan di ngag lempaan nilan, kig dediling, su ginis gempait pila' megbenwa di ngag bu'ungen.
English. What they in turn used to salt their vegetables (in WWII) were dediling, a variety of bitter-tasting ant that lives in pomelo trees.
Generic. tubu'
In group with: antung; baba; dediling; lansung 3; lelatu; lelebas; lelekat; lemigas; lumetik; memawa'; memutak; pepauk; pila' mamak; pila' sulu'; sesanam; talekbalu; tepuduk; tetubak; tetuges