see. nanta'
English. When? (The expected answer is an adverb of time.)
Example sentence:
Subanen. “Nanu amu minateng?” “Baa, salangendawan pa, laak kalabung, nda'u pekegdayun ditu niu, bilayanu gupia.”
English. “When did you get here?” “Int, it was day before yesterday, but I couldn't go on to your house yesterday, because I was very
English. A conjunction which introduces a time phrase or clause.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Milingawan ku sa' nanta'.
English. I have forgotten when it was.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Naa, kini ginis ngag bebat kini, pesuun nami dini su ngag launan gininisan kegamut dun, muka' sa' nanu laak megamit.
English. Now then, as for these songs, we will make known here all the ways they are used, and when they can be used.
Grammar. In this sense, nanu almost always occurs with sa'.