English. The cardinal number two.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Megdengan ita dua' mektalu', megalab ita.
English. We two will speak at the same time, that's megalab ita.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Ensiray mu daw, dua' dugangan dua', paat buuk da.
English. Answer, two plus two are four.
English. Considers, sees as two, divides s.t. into two approx. equal parts.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Nda' nga pegdua' simana migladu, minatay dayun.
English. It had not been two weeks that she was ill when she died.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Ndi' maban pisanay su saku', pegdua'dua'en.
English. The sack cannot be shoulder-carried, it has to be divided into more-or-less two loads.
Synonym. duus
English. Is in dread of s.t..
dua'dua' (d)ig delendeman
English. Is in doubt about s.t..
Example sentence:
Subanen. Mesu'at ba diniu pengendamen ta, adun ndi' da ita gusay mbinaya', sa' mateng na tu'u su tinalu' kini? Naa sa' kalukalu megdua'dua' su ginaa niu, ndi' da ta tegelen...
English. Is it okay with you if we get ready, so that we will not go on being behind, when what is talked about here comes to pass?
Now then, if perhaps your hearts are in doubt, let's not force it...
In group with: agelagel
Idiom: dua' dila'
English. Of a person, deliberately misquotes s.o..
Example sentence:
Subanen. Ki dua' dila', ma'ananen mekuti.
English. Two tongues means that s.o. misquotes s.o..
Synonym. balig; tabi'
Generic. kuti
Idiom: dua' mulu'
English. Of a person, characterized as one who will agree to do s.t. tomorrow with a companion and then decides to plow by himself
Example sentence:
Subanen. Kig libun kia, pia ta' taway duni memitiala dun, peliaganen, ma'niin midua' mulu'.
English. That woman, whoever propositions her, she agrees, like a fickle person.
Synonym. lambing