Sense 1
English. Loses one's way when hiking, loses track of what one looks at.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Bena' minateng ditu binaal, kali'en maita' meliwag gupia binaal. Midala'i pengenglengen dun, dayunen pemulanay su ma'is muka' palay.
English. When she arrived at the cleared field, then she saw it was a very wide field. Her gaze became lost in it(s size), then she
planted corn and rice.
Synonym. sibed 2
Sense 2
English. A euphemism for death, dying.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Timpu pa laung denganuan, nda' pa laung medala' si Katamak, kitui metau di kelaun sakupen. Sa' laung mpanaw ma'niin manuk pegagak, pu' diadia megdunut sa' mpanaw, pu' leliagen ilan gupia ditu sa' mpanaw.
English. Long ago when Katamak had not yet died, he was the one who knew best how to lead his people. If he took a trip, it was like
chickens being led along, because here and there people followed when he went, for they enjoyed going with him.
Generic. patay