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Completely clean (esp. ritually), pure, holy.
Bang kew nambahayang bisan kew bakas mandi subey pe kew magayil duk kew asal sutsi.
When you worship, even though you have taken a bath you still have to do ablutions so that you will be really pure.
Tuhanin asal sutsi te'ed.
God is really holy.
N-, mag-
To purify s.t. (esp. from ceremonial defilement).
Especially used of preparing bodies for the funeral.
Ta'u iye nutsi dīne.
He knows how to purify himself.
Bang niya' a'a matey subey sinutsi.
If a person has died he should be purified.
A'a iyan ta'u magsutsi a'a matey.
That person knows how to purify dead people.
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