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Adjectives used in connection with religion 14.19

balabangsa Important, well known (of a person esp. of leaders).
balakat Powerful.
bangsa2 (bangsahan ) Important (of person), high ranking, honored.
batal To be invalid (of an ablution, prayer or fast); to be ceremonially defiled (of a person).
kana'alla Wholeheartedly, truly before God.
kebbel To be invulnerable.
kuhi1 Permitted, allowed, not taboo.
kupul Blasphemous; presumptuous (concerning one’s destiny); flippant, offensive (of talk).
dimalas To be unlucky, to have bad luck.
halal Allowed (by religious law); lawful, permitted; ceremonially clean (about food).
haram Forbidden, prohibited, unlawful (in a religious sense); ritually unclean.
lahal Fluent, very well (of reading the Qur’an).
lappas For s.o. to be delivered (from all evil).
me'ingat A person who can read the Qur’an and sing the mawulud; a learned one.
mukali' Uneducated person, esp. a person not able to read the Qur’an.
mukalu To be taboo (of food and deeds).
ngasi To be effective (of supernatural knowledge and power, or medicine).
pawas (Fated) to be unlucky, to be always unlucky.
porol Pure (of a substance or descent).
sihil To be knowlegeable (about spells and charms that aid in fighting).
sukang Prohibited food items and/or activities that aggravate or intensify a sickness.
sukul For s.t. to be all right, be okay, be satisfactory.
sumbang 1 Abnormal, deviant, disruptive (such as an incestuous relationship, fighting between or killing of close kin).
sutsi Completely clean (esp. ritually), pure, holy.
tammat To provide the graduation feast (after completing studies in the Qur’an).
tullus To be good at, skillful in (predicting s.t.).
tuman To come true (of a prediction).
umāgad (ka'umāgadanr) To be very frightened.
wajib Good, right; obligatory (only used of important things esp. religious).
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