A thing mixed in with s.t.
When he speaks, he has English mixed in.
What is the thing mixed in with this vegetable?
magsaget, magsewsaget
For different things to be mixed together.
The beds of the girls and boys are all mixed.
The speech of that person is all mixed (different languages together).
For s.t. to mix with s.t. else.
After that person killed someone, he went and mixed with the crowd.
Our chickens just mix together.
To mix s.t. into s.t. (adding it).
He mixed the fish in with the beef.
Someone mixed the fish into the beef.
I do not mix fish into the vegetables.
To mix s.t. in with s.t. else (adding it).
She mixed (some) fish into the vegetables.
Tasagetannu (kasagetannu) ne kenna sayulin?
Did you mix the fish into the vegetables already?
To mix different things together.
When you cook vegetables mix them with fish.
When I make cookies I mix many things together.