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Involvement; participation.
Ga' niya' lamudku si pagtangkewne miya'an.
I have no involvement in his stealing.
To become involved in s.t. (good or bad).
Ga'i ku palamud si palkala' iyan.
I will not become involved in that legal case.
A'a iyan mabaya' palamud si palkala' sawe'ne.
That person likes to get involved in the problems of his companions.
To involve s.o. else in s.t., to entangle s.o.
Bang ka'am magsasa' da'a kew ngalamud a'a seddili.
When you fight, don’t involve another person.
Lamudne ku si palkala' pungtina'ikun.
He involved me in the case of my brother.
To mingle with, intermingle, mix with.
Bang si madrasa ga'i kajari maglamud lellahin duk me' dende.
In the Qur’an school the boys and girls cannot mix.
La'i si pagkawinan maglamud ne sundaluhin duk me' sibilyan.
There at the wedding the soldiers and the civilians mixed.
pag-, -an
To mix s.t. into s.t. else.
Bang kew magbella buwas lamudanun buwas batad.
When you cook rice, mix in corn grits.
Paglamudun kenna inin duk sayul.
Mix this fish with vegetables.
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