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pa-, -um-
To go beyond a certain place.
Paliyus katibagnen amban luma' miya'an.
His throwing it went beyond that house.
Lumiyus ne jīpin behune pereheng.
The jeep only stopped when it had gone beyond (where it was to stop).
mag- (recip.)
To miss a target; not to match or meet up (as expected, of two things or people).
Magliyus badju'kun pegge' ga' tumu'un pagtabu'kun.
My blouse (sides) do not match up because the way I fastened it is not right.
Magliyus kami si lān.
We missed each other on the way.
To make s.t. go beyond a certain point.
Paliyusun katibagnun amban luma' miya'an.
Make your throwing it go beyond that house.
Ga'i ku ta'u maliyusne pegge' iye du miya'an basaganku manibagin.
I am unable to make it go further because that is all my strength for throwing.
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