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Value; price.
Piye halga' badju' inin?
How much is the price of this dress?
To estimate the value of s.t.
Bang aku maghalga' ne, kābewne miya'an me' pitu' ngibu.
If I estimate the value (of it), that carabao of his is approximately seven thousand.
Halga'anun sinsimnu iyan, belliku.
Estimate the value of this ring; I will buy it.
Valuable; precious; expensive; costs a lot.
Mahalga' badju'nen.
Her blouse is expensive.
Bisan ga'i mahalga' gallangku iyan si ka'am, bang si aku mahalga' iyan.
Even if my bracelet is not valuable to you, to me it is valuable.
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