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Types of relationships 16.1

abu' 1 Aunt (kinship term of reference and address).
amma' Father (vocative and term of reference).
ampu Grandchild; great niece or nephew.
amu Patron; master; boss.
anak Offspring; child.
anak (ka'anakan) Relatives.
anak-ampu Descendants (lit. child-grandchild).
anak-anda Family of a man.
anak-ella Family of a woman.
anda Wife.
apa' 1 Uncle.
apu' 1 Grandparent (kinship term of reference and address for men and women two generations removed from oneself i.e. grandfathers, grandmothers, grandaunts and granduncles).
ba'an2 A relative (not very close).
babu' Aunt.
bagay Friend.
bā'i The parent of one’s son- or daughter-in-law.
balu Widow; widower.
bānak1 Descendants, many.
banta Enemy.
banyaga' A servant; slave.
bangsa1 Tribe, nation, ethnic group.
bata'an 2 Followers (of a political leader).
bilas Relationship between spouses of two siblings.
Bisaya' 1 People from the Visayas; non-Muslim Filipinos.
bisaya' 2 A servant.
bituwanan A divorcee; a person separated from his or her spouse by divorce.
biyara' Illegitimate child in second generation.
budjang (budjang laklasr) Unmarried woman; young woman approx. 14-20 years old.
buyung 2 Sonny (term of familiarity for boys).
kabungsuhan The youngest child in a family.
kakka' Older sister or brother (term of address and reference).
kamanakan Niece or nephew.
kambal A twin.
kampung A relative.
kuntara An enemy, opponent, adversary.
danganakan Cousin.
dayang 1 Lass, lassie, missy (term of address of girls younger than self).
dende 2 Woman, girl (vocative); respectful term of address for women younger than oneself.
ella1 Husband.
eyu'an Son-in-law; daughter-in-law.
galabat Person in charge (of a family); male relatives on paternal side.
gapi' Assistant; a helper; s.o. taking one’s side in a fight.
hanjing An illegitimate child in the fourth generation.
hembiyara' Illegitimate child.
ilu'-ilu' Orphan; a child (or any person) with only one parent living.
ina' Mother (vocative and term of reference).
ipal Sister- or brother-in-law.
lella Man; male.
limbang 1 Pair of s.t.; matching counterpart (of anything e.g. married couple, two companions etc.).
limbit 1 Responsibility (towards a husband, wife or child); spouse (esp. the responsibility that comes with having a spouse).
lundang Friend.
luwa'2 Co-wife; (any of multiple wives other than the first is called a luwa').
mākanak Children; young people.
magtewtey'anak Extended family (blood relations), entire family.
Mam Madam, Mrs. (respectful term for older women or women with authority).
matetto'a Parents.
meglewlekebini Married couple.
meto'a Parent-in-law.
musatsa Servant, maid.
nakanak Child.
nakura' A leader.
pamilya Family; relatives.
pangkat 2 Generations (of people and animals); lineage; descendant.
papu' Grandparent, grandfather or grandmother; great-aunt or great-uncle.
papu' (kapapu'anr) Forefathers; ancestors.
pungtina'i Brother or sister; sibling; fellow religionist.
saka Older brother or sister; elder sibling.
sa'i Mother (term of reference, not vocative).
sa'i (sa'i-sama) Parents.
sali Younger brother or sister; younger sibling.
sama1 Father (term of reference, not vocative).
sapali A friend (either a person or a spirit being).
seppu (seppuhan) (To be of) a line or ancestry (of people with a certain characteristic).
si'it Uncle, aunt (parent’s sibling or cousin); spouse of father or mother that is not one’s parent (term of reference).
sipanggal Illegitimate child in third generation.
subul Adolescent male; bachelor.
suki'1 A regular seller or customer.
suga Peer; an equal (in age, size, character, wealth, etc.).
suled (suledan ) A group of people (living together); household.
tindeg Adherent, follower, retinue or attendant (of an important personage); someone under the care of another person (as a relative, friend, companion).
toto'2 Sonny; endearing term for a boy (often used when one does not know the real name. Also used as proper name.).
tubu' Descendant, offspring.
Tuwan Term of address for a respected men; sir.
ulul A compensation, restitution, recompense or substitution (for a damaged item or a debt that cannot be paid). It can be a person.
umpig Ally, supporter, comrade (in a cause).
usba A relative; blood relation.
walis Relative (on the maternal side).
waris Relative on maternal side.
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