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Brother or sister; sibling; fellow religionist.
Sine me' pungtina'inun?
Who are your siblings?
Me' pungtina'iku Muslimin, subey kite bi magtuhut isun.
My Muslim brothers, we ought to all agree.
To be in a sibling relationship.
Magpungtina'i kami duk si Dende.
Dende and I are siblings.
An adopted brother or sister; s.o. considered as or like a brother.
A person called by this term may be a close friend, s.o. one has made an agreement with (either informally or formally in a ceremony) to be like brothers, or a legally adopted sibling.
Niya' pungtina'i-pungtina'iku la'i si Sembuwangan.
I have an adopted brother there in Zamboanga.
To make s.o. a sibling by mutual consent.
Pagpungtina'ine bisan duma'in usbane.
Even if he isn’t his relative he makes him his brother.
Bakas pinaghāp ne kami, pinagpungtina'i.
We have been reconciled, made to be brothers.
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