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Responsibility (towards a husband, wife or child); spouse (esp. the responsibility that comes with having a spouse).
Often used in the sense of a hindering responsibility.
Bang a'ahin niya' ne andane atawa ellane niya' ne limbitne.
If a person has a wife or a husband he/she has a responsibility.
Bang niya' ne anakde dambuwa', na niya' limbitde.
If they have already one child, they have a responsibility.
N- -an
To hamper, impede, hinder s.o.
Dende iyan ngalimbitan dīne hadja bu dupang lellahin.
That woman just hampers herself; what’s more the man is bad.
Da'akun ne magbakuwit me' anak-andanun duk ga'i mekelimbit ka'u.
Tell your wife and children to evacuate so that they will not hinder you.
N- -an
To hamper, burden, inconvenience s.o. (by giving/taking responsibility or a physical load).
Papole'un ne me' mākanak iyan, da'a ne kew malimbitan dīnu.
Send those children home; don’t burden yourself (by taking on responsibility for them).
Da'a kew malimbitan sawe'nu; bo'ohun ne dīhanannu bang niya' bino'onu.
Don’t hamper your companion; carry it yourself if you have something to carry.
Palimbitanne ku, da'akne ku magbo'o nakanak.
She inconvenienced me, she told me to take the child along.
To carry (a load).
Ga'i kite kasandal bang ekka limbitte.
One doesn’t like it if one carries much.
Bang niya' ne tellu bagte ubus bu niya' pe mabo'o, gey kite ngatu pegge' ekka limbitte.
If one has already three bags and then someone asks us to carry more, one is not willing because one carries much.
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