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N-, mag-
To resemble s.o. (else in the family or ancestry); to take after, to look like s.o. (in the family).
Sine sineppu nakanak iyan?
Who does that child resemble?
Nakanak iyan neppu bantuk samanen.
That child resembles his father in appearance.
Magseppu siye magpungtina'ihin.
All the siblings resemble each other.
To be of a line or ancestry (of people with a certain characteristic); stock, breed (of animals); strain (of plants).
Such as generations of relatives; descendants of a social class or one particular person.
Kābewku inin seppuhan kābew hadje.
This water buffalo of mine is of a stock of big water buffalos.
A'a iyan seppuhan imam.
That person is of a line of imams.
A'a iyan seppuhan a'a dayahan.
That person is of an ancestry of rich people.
This papaya is of a strain of big (lit. American) papayas.
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