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A friend (either a person or a spirit being).
If the relationship involves a spirit being, it is always initiated by this being, not by the person.
Nabu' ku bang tekka sapalikun.
I will go shopping when my friend has arrived.
Niya' sapaline a'a ga'i takite.
He has an unseen person as friend.
To befriend s.o. (of people or spirits).
If a child or adult is sick and always crying because of fear and is feverish, etc. it is said that an unseen being has befriended the soul of that person and taken it with him. Only a specialist can call the soul back.
Bo'ohun iye si tabib, da'akun tinawalan; iyu' sinapali-sapali.
Take him to the healer; tell him to use white magic. (Unseen beings) have befriended him.
Sinapali-sapali iye we' me' a'a dupang.
Bad people are befriending him.
Niya' napali-napali a'a iyan.
Someone befriends that person.
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