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Status, social standing.
Chiefs datu', kings sultan, captains kapitan, persons after completing the pilgrimage to Mecca hadji' have high status.
Langkew bangsanen.
He has high status.
Kami inin diyawa' bangsa kamihin.
We here are of low status.
Important (of person), high-ranking, honored.
Si Fidel Ramos bangsahan pegge' iye malangkew amban si kēmon sundalu.
Fidel Ramos is important because he is greater than all the soldiers.
taga bangsa
Important, well known (of persons); to have status.
Iya' ku patapit si me' hadji' miya'an pegge' tege bangsa siye.
I am too shy to go to those Hadjis because they have status.
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