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For a course of study to be completed.
Tammat ne iskulnen.
His schooling has been completed.
Tammat ne inadji'nen.
His studies in the Qur’an have been completed.
mag-, -in-
To graduate (from school).
Sumu magtammat la'i si iskulan.
Tomorrow (they) will graduate there at school.
This child will graduate this year.
Tinammat ne iye tahun inin si madrasa.
He will graduate this year from the Qur’an school.
N-, mag-
To provide the graduation feast (after completing studies in the Qur’an).
Ga' niya' nammat nakanak iyan bisan iye ta'u ngadji' pegge' ga' niya' metetto'ane.
Nobody provides a graduation feast for that child even though he knows how to read (the Qur’an) because he has no parents.
Magtammat siye puwas pagani.
They will provide the graduation feast after the harvest.
Tammatne anaknen pegge' tambus ne inadji'nen.
He provides the graduation feast for his child because she has completed her studies (in the Qur’an).
Graduation, graduation ceremony, graduation feast.
Bakas kami amban pagtammatan.
We have been at the graduation ceremony.
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