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Activities to know or control the supernatural 14.17

āmat Foreknowledge (acquired through omens).
āmat To acquire knowledge (from s.t. that appears to the person or through omens); to find out (through omens if an action is opportune).
bahasa2 To call on a familiar spirit.
kuluk-kuluk Expression said several times to call rain to come.
etikad (inetikadr) The object or action that assures desired results.
hulew To stop the rain by saying hūlew-hulew.
irup-mati Words uttered in counting for good luck.
lessa 3 To divine s.t.; to find out s.t. through divination; to request s.o. to divine.
limal To divine s.t.; to find out s.t. unknown.
lundang (duwa'a lindang) A spell to make s.o. else want to be one’s friend.
payam 2 To ask (a fortune-teller) to divine, ask for divination, request to have the fortune told.
sa'at Omen.
salat A cure for s.t.; a preventive measure; a charm.
sambit To divine s.t. (by means of a string).1
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