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To divine s.t. (by means of a string).
One takes a string about 3 meters long and coils it into loops holding it down with the foot. Then the coils are cut and the ends all mixed up and then tied together again. Sometimes it turns out straight, sometimes in loops. The person doing it can tell the future from it. It is also used to find out if one will find something lost or not.
Sambitun ko' bang sumiyan ku ngeddek.
Please divine when I should plant rice.
Ta'u iye magsambit.
He knows how to divine (by means of a string).
(mag)payam 2 lessa 3
Instrument for divining (i.e. the string).
Bakas iye ngeddo' lupis hinangne sambitan.
He fetched a string to use as instrument for divining.
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