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Supernatural beings & apparitions 14.1

āgasi Giant.
agta' A person blackened with soot.
awliya' Certain very devout, wise men or women with special powers; a hermit; an ascetic.
bābal Spirit (of a person roaming abroad while its owner is asleep and dreaming); certain demons.
bagubu' Unseen beings; people, reputed to be invisible.
birarali 2 A rainbow, said to be a mythical being; sky maiden.
kokok A kind of unseen being (often harmful to people).
duyung Mermaid (a mythical being).
hibilis Evil spirit; demon.
jīn A jinni, or genie (one of a class of spirits or mythical beings).
lagtew A spirit being (very tall).
layilatul-karal An apparition signifying good omen.
libun (a'a libunr) Invisible beings like in fairy tales.
mala'ikat Angel.
manubu' A being out of legends (reputed invisible, living in the forest).
mentiyanak A white ghost (frightens people).
mungkalun The angel of death.
naga A dragon.
pandang (bā pandanganr) The one looking hard, the seeing one, i.e. God (used only of God).
panyata' Spirit of the dead; ghost.
punsu (a'a punsur) Mythical beings said to live in small hills.
sambāni A mythical horse (half human (female) with wings).
sassat Tempter; temptation.
seyitan A demon, an evil spirit; the devil; Satan.
songgot A mythical person.
timbalun A spirit being.
Tuhan The supreme being, God.
Tuhan (tuhan-tuhanr) A pretend-god; an idol.
unglu'en An apparition of light.
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