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An apparition signifying good omen.
Something very large appearing at night time. Sometimes it is big as a coconut tree, or it may look like an old person or a fallen tree that stands up again, or it may look like a star, sparkling, crawling in the house. Some people have seen it as a fire in the coconut grove. Often there is Arabic writing which a person can instantly read without having learned to and he can read the Qur’an ever afterwards. When one sees an apparition like this, people say one should make a request immediately and it will reportedly be granted. Anyone who sees it will have good luck. But if he does not recognize it for what it is and does not make a request it just disappears and that’s it. Not many people see it.
Danganakanku dembuwa'in niya' bakas paguwa'an layilatul-karal.
One of my cousins had a layilatul-karal appear.
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